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Here are your FREE meditation downloads:

Overcoming Anxiety

During these current times of uncertainty and confusion, we may feel fear and anxiety. This strengthening meditation is offered as a gift from my heart to you, to help you let go fears and anxieties as well as calm and centre.

Music by Thaddeus. Used with permission.

Crystal Healing Heart Meditation

Michelle took part in the #beloveHK 21 Days of Love, where 21 practitioners share offerings over 21 days.

This is her Crystal Healing Meditation

As we open our hearts we remember the love within and as we extend this love with the world, it brings more peace, kindness, and connection.

In this healing meditation and activation, healing symbols are transmitted through crystal energy to support your heart opening individually and collectively. You will release stress, fears, anger, worries, and veils of illusion, to go deeper into the heart sanctuary, connect to the One Heart and feel the Divinity within.

Sit back, light a candle, hold a crystal and receive the healing heart transmissions.

Music by Thaddeus. Used with permission.

Live Your Magnificence

Contact Michelle